Monday, June 23, 2008

Defence against Divorce

What struck me most about the old lady’s tale was the simplicity and strength of this woman who was able to publish an autobiography, in spite of being unlettered. Her annals are testimony to how she escaped the negativity associated with personal struggles, by forgiving and forgetting all her wrong-doers.

Quite often, we hear people saying that they are willing to forgive but never forget. I often wonder how it’s possible to forgive people without forgetting. If you do not forget, you are most likely to recollect bygone occurrences at some point of time; and with every reminder you would experience afresh the associated pain. Forgiving in such a situation is impossible.

Moreover, non-forgetting the past fills you up with anger and unhappiness. Angry and unhappy people seriously jeopardise their relationships with others, especially their marital relationship, for the success of a marriage depends on the development of your ability to move on in life. True forgiveness, therefore, comes from forgetting.

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