Sunday, April 20, 2008

Expressing Your Emotions On Canvas

Express yourself:- Many a portrait artist has been known to express his deepest secrets and feelings with the help of a painting. For example the Monalisa has both masculine and feminine aspects in the features. This has often been debated, but it definitely sends across a mysterious aura in the painting.

Therapeutic uses:- Painting has always been known to be a stress buster. Just like all things creative, even painting can helping you to relax. In fact, if you are trying to create portrait from photos, then the joy is all the more as you are trying to replicate a real life person. Once the painting is done you feel a creative high which is incomparable.

Psychological advancements:- Many psychologists have used the medium of painting in order to cure conditions, like trauma or serious mental disorders. Many people who suffer from dyslexia have also been able to express their creative side effectively with a painting. For ease of use, such people are asked to create a portrait from photo. That way it becomes easier to create the painting as you have something to refer to.

Used in prison:- It has been said that there was a prison where prisoners who were serving a life term were asked to create a portrait from photo. These were then used to adorn the walls of the prison. This exercise helped the prisoners to reform themselves and to also get to see the talent and creative side they possessed. Thus one cannot dispute the kind of healing power that painting has. Even hardened criminals have benefited from it.

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